Monday, October 24, 2011

Update on my Update

Unfortunately I was unable to go on my much anticipated ghost tour. After mishap after mishap and three failed attempts to catch three separate ghost tours we called it a night and made plans to go next week. Granted it won't be the Park City ghost tour, but the Salt Lake ghost tour again. But at least I've had great success collecting evidence on this tour so I'm excited to give it another go. Fingers crossed! In my lack of paranormal tourism, I went looking at fan photos on the Ghost Adventures Facebook page to try and get my fix. This is something I like to do in my spare time. One day I hope to get the guts to post my pictures on there...but that's for another post. I've learned quite a bit over the course of looking at other's pictures and I have to say-no one knows what paranormal looks like! (This post took a random turn.) 90% of the photos on that site are of "orbs". From my understanding and research a paranormal orb had it's own light and isn't transparent. Dust is often mistaken for orbs and I'm sick of seeing pictures of dust particles trying to be passed off as spirits. What's even worse is the attitude people have when an opposing point of view is stated. I've captured things that I really thought were paranormal but people have pointed out that they weren't. I didn't cuss up a storm or get defensive. It's not personal when your photos are debunked! It's part of the investigator's gig, without debunking the field would go nowhere and photographers would think every picture with lens flare is a ghost. I understand how desperately some people want to capture something and it makes it that much harder to catch legitimate evidence but it makes it so much more exciting and rewarding when something is actually captured!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Quick Update

I'm gearing up for my second ghost tour of the year. Two weeks ago I went on the Salt Lake ghost tour and if tonight's tour in Park City is half as successful as the Salt Lake tour was I'm ecstatic! Park City has a lot to live up to; orbs, mists, evp's, and full bodied gives me the chills just thinking about it! I hope to catch something tonight! Wish me luck and I'll let you know how it goes!

Friday, October 21, 2011

From Fear to Fascination

I find it odd that I am so fascinated with ghosts. As a little girl I was terrified of them; even the word ghost would send me over the edge. I couldn't even watch the old Disney "A Christmas Carol"! Jacob Marley (aka Goofy) creeped me the crap out! I had nightmares over that stupid movie. The worst memory I have is when I was watching a David Copperfield magic show with my dad and Copperfield had a tower from an old Victorian mansion called the Berkley House on stage which was supposedly haunted. Well behind the curtain covering the cross-section of this tower there were bells ringing and papers were flying around. I was probably eight or nine at the time and my dad could see that I was getting scared so he calmed me down explaining it was just a trick and that there were stagehands behind the curtains ringing the bells and so on. What he didn't account for was that, without warning, Copperfield, tore the curtain away exposing an empty room complete with ringing bells, flying papers, and objects floating through the air of their own accord. Needless to say I slept in my parent's room that night. And the next night. And possibly the night after that. After that experience, and several years of growth and maturing, I started being brave and watching the occasional Ghost Hunters episode and regretting it when night would roll around and I'd have to try and sleep. Then I got into this scary movie phase and that led to more haunted documentaries, but I was still very skittish after any of these shows. I'm not 100 percent sure what the turning point was that changed my attitude about ghosts. The best I can figure is that it was the summer of 2008 when my mom and I went to Boise, ID for a concert and decided to go to the Old Idaho State Penitentiary, a location that will be the topic of many posts in the future. I just remember having strange feelings all throughout the tour and doing some research on it later only to discover that the Peniteniary is one of the most haunted buildings in America. I think actually being in s haunted location and, as cheesy as it sounds, living to tell the tale lit my fire. I wanted to know more about these men. How they lived, how they died, and why they would want to stay there after their passing. Looking back I believe that this was the beginning of the end for me, and the gateway to many an adventure.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Paranormal Introduction

     Thank you for joining me in my journey into the unknown.  For centuries, ghosts have captivated the imaginations of millions world wide.  With ghost stories dating back to Ancient Greece, it's hard not to put some stock in the tales, and yet for every believer there is in the world, there is a skeptic.  Why is that?  How can so many ignore what is so clearly in front of them?
     Perhaps people let their fear cloud their minds because life is simpler when the world consists only of things that can be seen.  I don't feel that way.  I think it's exciting to know that there's more to this world beside what the naked eye can see.
     With this blog, I hope to share my experiences and theories on the paranormal, in hopes of enlightening others and showing that spirits are not necessarily things to be feared, but are simply people who have passed.